Op. Dr. Yakup AVŞAR 1969 yılında Iran’ın Tebriz kentinde doğdu . Tıp Fakültesini Tebriz Tıp Bilimleri üniversitesinde 1996 yılında tamamladı. Tıp doktorası tezini ‘cilt greftleri ve flep cerrahisi’ olarak 1996 yılında sundu.
Estetik plastik ve rekonstrüktif cerrahi uzmanlığını Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nde 2003 yılında tamamladı.
2004-2005 yılları arasında JFK Hospital’de estetik plastik cerrahi uzmanı olarak çalıştı.
2006 yılı itibariyle Özel Avşar Polikliniği’nde hizmet vermeye başladı.
Estetik cerrahi dergilerinde yayınlanan makaleleri:
Uzmanlık tezini ‘Üç boyutlu kıkırdak otogreftlerinin yapılandırılması ve interperikonderiyel implantasyon üstünlüğünün saptanması’ başlığı ile 2003 yılında sundu.
Nasal Hump Reduction with Powered Micro Saw Osteotomy. Aesthet Surg J. 2009 Jan-Feb;29(1):6-11. doi: 10.1016/j.asj.2008.10.009.
PMID: 19232999
The Educative Role of Video-endoscopy for Endonasal Reshaping of ony Nasal Vault with Powered Micro Saw Osteotomy Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery August 2009 – Volume 124 – Issue 2S – p 678 doi: 10.1097/01.prs.0000358912.02731.a2 European Psrc Abstracts Supplement
Yakup Avşar
The oscillating micro-saw: a safe and pliable instrument for transverse osteotomy in rhinoplasty.
Aesthet Surg J. 2012 Aug;32(6):700-8. doi: 10.1177/1090820X12452734.
PMID: 22738757
Yakup Avşar MD
Endoscopic Micro Motor Assisted Rhinoplasty
20th EURAPS Congress 28-30 May 2009 Barcelona / Spain
Yakup Avşar MD
Reshaping of Bony Nasal Vault with Powered Micro Saw
Osteotomy 1st EPSRC Congress 20-23 August 2009 Hamburg / Germany
Yakup Avşar MD
The Educative Role of Video-endoscopy for Endonasal Reshaping of Bony Nasal Vault with Powered Micro Saw Osteotomy
11th Congress of ESPRAS & ISAPS course 20-26 September 2009 Rhodes / Greece
Yakup Avşar MD
The role of video-endoscopy in training the endonasal vault reshaping with powered micro saw osteotomy.
10th IPRAS/APS Congress 07-09 October 2009 Tokyo / Japan
Yakup Avşar MD
Endoscopic Micro Motor Assisted Rhinoplasty
15th World Congress of IPRAS 29 November – 03 December 2009 New Delhi / India
Yakup Avşar MD
Evolution in Rhinoplasty: Powered micro saw osteotomy and the educational role of video-endoscopy.
21th EURAPS Congress 27-29 May 2010 Manchester / England
Yakup Avşar MD
Micro processed cartilage injection in augmentation rhinoplasty
3rd Congress of EASAPS 03-05 June 2010 Aachen / Germany
Yakup Avşar MD
Injection of diced cartilage engaged with fat tissue for lip augmentation during rhinoplasty).
Rhinoplasty Training Course 06 November 2010
Saint George Hospital, University Medical Center
12th Congress of ENT 01-03 November 2010 Tahran / Iran
Yakup Avşar MD
Videoendoscopic micro-motor assisted bony vault surgery in endonasal rhinoplasty.
Rhinoplasty and Secondary Rhinoplasty Symposium 09-11 December 2010 Marseille / France
Yakup Avşar MD
Bony Nasal Vault Osteotomies with micro-motor system.
13th Annual Meeting of IMCAS 6-9 January 2011 Paris / France
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